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Editing and Copy Editing


Every piece of writing can be improved; no matter the skill of the writer, there is always a sentence that can be shortened, a point made more clearly, or some error that has been overlooked. A second pair of eyes will often spot those errors or typos more easily than the writer, and this is why having an editor is vital to keeping any written work from being published with simple or embarrassing mistakes. A good editor will also suggest ways to improve the work, distilling meaning and clarity by removing jargon or convoluted sentences.


Advanced Editing offers a comprehensive editing service that will ensure your writing is the best it can be while retaining the original meaning.



Mistakes in writing are inevitable: a mistyped word, an interrupted thought process or a looming deadline are some of the common causes. Automated spellcheckers are useful but are not able to understand nuance or context as well as an editor. For example, sometimes a word might be spelled correctly but still be a mistake. Have you ever typed “form” instead of “from”? It is these kinds of typos that spellcheckers miss.


Advanced Editing can ensure that your text is clear and free from errors and typos.



Sometimes the best thing for a piece of writing or a document is a fresh perspective. If you want to reduce your word count in a submission form or you need to redesign your CV, a redraft could be the solution. Fill in the contact form and let me know what you would like help with.



If you would like advice about your writing or English language in general, Advanced Editing offers a consulting service. You might want advice about punctuation and grammar usage or help with creating a style guide for your business or organisation. Simply fill in the contact form and outline what you would like to discuss. I can arrange a video call for a one-to-one discussion or provide detailed written feedback and suggestions for specific issues or documents.

Each commission is different, from a curriculum vitae or thesis to a manuscript or promotional literature. Charges are necessarily assessed on an individual basis but, as a matter of policy, my rates are always reasonable.


Below is a guide to my charges based on document type and service required.


Full length Manuscript from 200 to 400 pages

Documents up to 50 pages

Articles up to 20 pages

Short article of 500 words or 1 page




















A full edit includes (where necessary) full sentence restructure, feedback on use of grammar, word selection, style and presentation. A proofread includes checks for simple spelling and punctuation errors, typos and basic sentence structure.

*Charges for redrafts vary and are negotiable. All redrafts include a basic fee equal to the relevant proofreading costs. 

Price list
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